Dolbi - Nutrição animal
A Dolbi é especializada na produção de rações e suplementos para animais de grande porte
como, bois, vacas, cavalos, porcos e, etc…
Projetada para atender fazendeiros, criadores de animais e profissionais da área do
agronegócio com foco em saúde, longevidade e produtividade.
EN// Dolbi specializes in the production of feed and supplements for large animals such
as oxen, cows, horses, pigs, etc...
Designed to serve farmers, animal breeders and professionals in the field of
agribusiness and focused on health, longevity and productivity.
agribusiness and focused on health, longevity and productivity.
Client: Dolbi // Actions: Food production // Location: Luanda, Angola
Deliveries: Visual identity and packaging // Direction and development: Landerson Lineker // Motion: Landerson Lineker
Deliveries: Visual identity and packaging // Direction and development: Landerson Lineker // Motion: Landerson Lineker